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#Telliskivi välikino
Telliskivi välikino: The Universal Theory


Duration 1h 58m

Country Germany, Austria, Šveits

Director Timm Kröger

Cast Jan Bülow, Olivia Ross, Hanns Zischler

Language German, Prantsuse, itaalia, Swiss German, English

Subtitle Language estonian

Style meets even more style in Timm Kroger’s dazzling noir exercise “The Universal Theory”.

Set in post-war Switzerland of 1961, there are secret underground tunnels; a train trip through the Alps to a mysterious scientific conference about quantum physics; two professors, one with a Nazi-sympathising past; and bodies which seem to come and go – as well as a piano-playing femme fatale who knows more than she should. It is in so many ways a pastiche.

Top credit is versatile lensing, by Roland Stuprich, but Jaan Anderegg’s editing is well-attuned to his director’s intent, and th...Show more

Style meets even more style in Timm Kroger’s dazzling noir exercise “The Universal Theory”.

Set in post-war Switzerland of 1961, there are secret underground tunnels; a train trip through the Alps to a mysterious scientific conference about quantum physics; two professors, one with a Nazi-sympathising past; and bodies which seem to come and go – as well as a piano-playing femme fatale who knows more than she should. It is in so many ways a pastiche.

Top credit is versatile lensing, by Roland Stuprich, but Jaan Anderegg’s editing is well-attuned to his director’s intent, and the music by Diego Ramos Rodriguez is a retro delight. Cosima Vellenzer’s design is well-executed, immediately transporting us back to a world where black and white were never as clear as they are here.

(Fionnuala Halligan, Screen Daily)

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What is the special program “Telliskivi välikino”?

Tallinna suurim välikino sel suvel juulis ja augustis! Telliskivi Kvartali uuel Literaadi esisel pargialal (Telliskivi 60) ootab Sind mitmekesine filmiprogramm, kus näidatakse suvel jooksul nii kaasaegset filmiklassikat kui mitmeid viimase aasta hittfilme. 

Seansid algavad juulis kell 23.00 ja augustis kell 22.00 ning kohti on välikinos üle saja. Filmide heli tuleb kõrvaklappidest. Kõige selle eest tuleb vaatajal lunastada 10-eurone klapirent. Välikinos kehtib Sõpruse Sõbrakaart, millega on välikino pileti hind 6 eurot. Telliskivi Välikino head sõbrad on G-Spot Bar ja Terminal. Joogid ja tasuta wc kasutus Terminali poes kuni kella 23.00ni.


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