Duration 1h 28m
Country Suurbritannia
Director Jaimie D'Cruz, Ed Perkins, Alex Nott
Cast Alexa Cox, Andrea Cox, Nell Cox
Language inglise
The Trouble With Mr. Doodle is the story of Sam Cox, an extraordinary boy born into an ordinary family in an unremarkable English town and how a childhood passion for drawing threatened to take over his life, his home and his mind.
Dokumentaalfilmide festival DocPoint laieneb 2025 aastal Helsingist Tallinnasse juba kuueteistkümnendat korda! Kavast leiab maailma dokiparemikku kuuluvad värsked dokumentaalfilmid. Linastused 4. veebruarist 9. veebruarini kinos Sõprus.